
Buttock plastic surgery (gluteoplasty)

This is a safe surgical intervention, with the help of which it is possible not only to bring the muscles of the buttocks to the appropriate tone, but also to qualitatively improve their contours, sizes and shapes by implantation.

Unfortunately, not everyone is given such a luxury as firm, toned, beautiful buttocks from birth. Sometimes it takes years of hard training in the gym to get to the desired shape. But due to the anatomical features, even this does not always help.

This problem can be easily solved with the help of gluteoplasty at Patlazhan Clinic – this is your chance to get the desired shape and beautiful figure. Experienced surgeons will help you achieve the perfect silhouette using safe techniques and advanced equipment.

Results Photos

Operation results:

  • Elastic, toned buttocks

  • Symmetrical buttocks

  • Harmonious body proportions

  • Volume contours of the buttocks

Operation time
1 - 2 o'clock
1 - 2 days
7 - 14 days
Elastic, toned buttocks, attractive shapes
Preparing for surgery
  • Congenital asymmetry of the buttocks
  • Inharmonious figure
  • The individual desire of the patient
  • Viral diseases in the acute stage
  • Organic lesions of the nervous system
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Respiratory dysfunction
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Infectious diseases of the skin


  • Stop smoking 4 weeks before surgery

  • 3 weeks before the operation, it is necessary to pass the tests prescribed by the doctor

  • Additionally: ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities and pelvic organs

  • Examination by a gynecologist with smears

  • The patient comes to the clinic, draws up a contract and pays for the operation

  • Taking photographs to compare the results

  • Preoperative marking is performed and the size of the implant is selected


  • A single incision in the coccyx area under the muscles or fascia forms a cavity for the implants

  • Implants are inserted under soft tissues

  • A cosmetic suture is applied to the skin, camouflaged in the inter-gluteal fold

  • Aseptic and compression bandages are applied

Operation stages

  • Stay in the hospital for 1-2 days

  • Sleep on your stomach for the first two weeks after surgery

  • 2 weeks you can not sit on the buttocks

  • Postoperative edema persists for up to 14 days

  • Limiting physical activity to 4 weeks

  • Sports ban for 3 months

Patients feedback

*The result depends on the individual of the patient

Frequently Asked Questions
Light loads (walking, squatting without weights) 4 weeks after surgery. Running, returning to a previous level of physical activity no earlier than 2 months after surgery
Subject to all medical recommendations and the rehabilitation regime, the implant will not be displaced
There are two main types of implants: round implants (to add volume to the upper part of the buttocks) and anatomical (to correct asymmetry and congenital insufficiency of the gluteal muscles). Breast implants cannot be used for gluteoplasty.
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Советы Доктора Патлажана Операции Летом
Пластический хирург Патлажан Г.И.

Women know what attracts men in their appearance, and round, firm buttocks are far from the last argument that arouses the admiring glances of a strong half of humanity. Someone solves problems with diet and exercise, but millions of women have not achieved the desired result. Among the most common reasons are the natural arrangement of muscles, a lean constitution and lifestyle, but there are also congenital problems, such as weakness of the muscular system, or previous diseases, the consequences of injuries, age-related changes, which are sometimes impossible to combat.

Objectives of the gluteoplasty

The main purpose of gluteoplasty (buttock lift) is to correct the shape of the buttocks and create a textured relief with beautifully outlined contours. Operations of this type, which, by the way, are becoming more and more popular due to the development of technology and greater accessibility, are used not only by women, but also by men who, for some reason, cannot achieve the desired result through training and constant pumping of muscles – for example, bodybuilders.

Of course, a buttock lift is an exclusively aesthetic, image-making operation, the reasons for which are traditionally referred to:

  • omission of the gluteal muscles due to loss of tone caused by various factors of dystrophy, age-related changes;
  • insufficient muscle mass in the gluteal region;
  • striving to make the shape of the buttocks more attractive;
  • displacement of the fold and, as a consequence, the emergence of pronounced asymmetry;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight, leading to sagging muscles and the formation of excess skin and adipose tissue;
  • unaesthetic depressions in the upper thighs;
  • muscle deformation resulting from trauma or severe illness.

Modern implants in gluteoplasty

Medical technologies are developing rapidly – today the use of implants is completely safe and even practical. Firstly, you can qualitatively improve the contours of the body. Secondly, implants do not have an expiration date – a lifetime warranty on them allows you to forget about the problem once and for all, of course, if you keep your body in order.

Plastic surgery of the buttocks is performed using silicone implants – a universal, safe and anti-allergenic material that is not rejected by the body, moreover, does not require replacement. The highest quality endoprostheses are of French and German production, which are used in Patlazhan Clinic.

The volume of prostheses varies from 140 to 180 ml, the main classification divides them into two types:

  • round, designed to significantly reshape the buttocks;
  • drop-shaped or anatomical, used in most corrective operations.

The texture of the implant surface is also of no small importance – smooth ones are used in most cases for light correction, textured ones – to prevent age-related changes in the shape of the buttocks.

It should be noted that the correction of the buttocks can also be carried out using alternative methods, which are also practiced at the Patlazhan Clinic. The first simple and safe method is lipolifting, during which the patient’s own fat mass is used as a filler. Lipolifting of the buttocks also does not pose a threat to health, since it only involves the movement of its own tissue, which very quickly takes root and “flows” into the general system of the body’s functioning.

Another common method of body shaping is a buttock lift with threads, or filament lifting. The essence of the operation is quite simple, in addition, such interventions are characterized by minimal trauma. The surgeon determines the most vulnerable muscle and fixes it by creating small incisions, having previously given the necessary tone. In some cases, which are considered to be quite severe, part of the muscle can be removed, but this is an additional guarantee of a longer success of the operation.

Please note that, unlike gluteoplasty, thread lifting and lipolifting do not give a 100% guarantee that the effect of the procedure will be long lasting, most likely, after some time they will need to be repeated.

So, if for some reason you are unhappy with the shape of your buttocks and would like to make them more textured, the best option is gluteoplasty, the price of which is quite variable. At Patlazhan Clinic, an exclusively individual approach is used, which allows you to form an optimized cost of the procedure, depending on the initial condition and expectations of each client.

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