Plastic surgery
Calf Augmentation
Cruroplasty is an operation performed in order to improve the contour of shins of those patients who’s calf muscle insufficient development, tibia bone deformities (the “O”-shaped strain), unilateral hypoplasia of muscles or traumas. There are two ways to increase the volume of shins: the first is lipofilling that can be quite effective in this case of small deformities or varios small disproportions of calfs. Second method is endoprothesis of culfs. In the case of O-shaped strain deformation of the tibia from first to second degree, to correct the curvature of the legs can be performed ednoprothesis operation. In more pronounced degrees of deformation, so-called osteotomy is performed (medical fractures) and Ilizarov’s external fixator ia used to form a flat tibia. In a case of asymmetries shin sometimes it’s possible to install one of the endoprosthesis for the correction. This product is similar to breast implants, but is shaped like an elongated oval and its smooth shell. There are various sizes and shapes of crural implant, depending on the growth and anatomical features of the patient. Modern implants do not require replacement and have a lifetime warranty.
Operation results:
Straight, smooth legs
Calf without strains
The symmetry of the lower limbs
- "O"-shaped strain of I-II degree
- Asymmetry of shin (calf)
- Post-traumatic lower leg strain
- "O"-shaped strain of III-IV degree
- Varicose veins of lower extremities
- Thrombophlebitis
- Infectious diseases
- Diabetes
- Blood coagulation system pathology
Before 2-3 weeks preoperationaly one must pass clinical analyzes
Duplex scanning of the lower limbs vessels
In the clinic patient signs the contract and pays for the operation
Photography in standard positions
Consultation of the anesthesiologist
Incision (4-5 cm lenth) is performed on the inner surface below the knee of knee joint
Pocket for the implant is formed under the deep fascia of the lower leg
Using a special tool implant is being inserted into the cavity
Stitches on all soft tissue layers are performed
A similar operation is performed on the opposite calf
Aseptic bandage superimposed and compression stockings are used
Operation stages
Patient stays in hospital for 1 day
It is desirable to lie face down within 7 days after surgery
When patient is in a horizontal position in bed calfs must be at exalted position for several days
Sutures are removed after 7 days
Swelling can be kept up to to 3-4 weeks
Restrictions of active walking and wearing shoes with high heels 1 month after surgery