


Facelifting tooday is one of the most popular operation in plastic surgery. Facelift allows aged patients restore their skin elasticity, fix skin sagging, remove wrinkles and other signs of aging. Facelift method is being selected by the surgeon, who performs operation, based on the characteristics of each patient.

Results Photos

Operation results:

  • High-quality facial rejuvenation

  • Preserve the results for years

  • Fresh and attractive facial skin without wrinkles

Operation time
1-5 hours
General anesthesia
2-3 days
from 10-14 days
Face without wrinkles
Preparing for surgery
  • Sagging of the skin of the forehead and eyebrows, eyelids ptosis
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • The appearance of wrinkles the nose bridge
  • Flews, double chin
  • Presence of pronounced wrinkles on the neck
  • Severe somatic diseases and conditions
  • The presence of tumors
  • Infections
  • Coagulation failure
  • Acne


  • A maximum of up to 14-10 days before facelift it is necessary to pass the tests and examinations, prescribed by a doctor

  • 2 weeks before the facelift one must stop taking drugs that reduce blood clotting

  • The day before the operation one must eat only light meal


  • The patient stays clinic and pays for the facelifting

  • Depending on the method and complexity of operation general, intravenous anesthesia or local anesthesia will be choosen

  • Operation time is approximatly from 1 to 5 hours depending on the complexity and scope of intervention

  • Recovery from anesthesia

Operation stages

  • Within a week, patient wears a compression mask

  • Swelling begins to subside 4-5 days after facial plastic

  • The head can be washed in a week. Hair coloring in a month

  • The sutures are removed at 6-7 days after facelift or 10 days. Depending on the overlay space

  • During the 1.5 months after surgery one should avoid heavy loads

  • After 2 weeks, patient can return to work

  • After 3-4 weeks facelift is performed, it is recommended to undergo lymphatic drainage massage

Frequently Asked Questions
Optionally, for each type of face surgeon selects the appropriate to him technique. The main thing that a plastic surgeon must own all the basic facelifting techniques and must argument the choice of technique for your case.
Качественно проведенный фейслифтинг сохраняется до 10-15 лет. В некоторых случаях для продления эффекта комбинируются оперативные и инвазивные методики (вводятся филлеры, ботокс, препараты коллагена и т.д.).
Современные техники проведения контурной пластики и прочих видов подтяжек позволяют не оставлять видимых шрамов. Послеоперационные рубцы незаметны, пациент может спокойно носить короткие стрижки Влияет ли курение на результат операции и процесс заживления? Врачи рекомендуют либо отказаться от курения, или хотя бы уменьшить количество дневных сигарет за 2-3 недели до и после пластики лица. Никотин способствует сужению кровеносных сосудов, что может повлиять на скорость заживления.
При проведении операции по подтяжке кожи верхней трети лица волосы специально укладываются, нет необходимости выбривать или стричь волосы.
Video materials

Plastic surgery in Kiev, Odessa, Dnipro | Prices for plastic surgery, reviews
Plastic surgery in Kiev, Odessa, Dnipro | Prices for plastic surgery, reviews