Plastic surgery
Problem of ptotic (sagging) breasts is familiar to almost all women who were breastfeeding and lactation. Using techniques of modern plastic surgery one can solve the issue of return of young breast shape and elastic consistency.
Depending on the degree of ptosis (drooping) of the breast, plastic surgeon can offer these types of mastopexy (breast lift): periareolar pexy (at the first degree of ptosis – Hairdresser and most noticeable scar around the areola); vertical mastopexy (for second-degree ptosis – a scar around the areola and vertically barely noticeable); and mastopexy inverted “T” type (in the third degree of breast ptosis – scar vertically and horizontally).
If necessary, (for gigantomastia and / or overstretched breast tissues), carried out a resection (removal) of the individual parts of the breast to create a beautiful breast shape and, importantly, to eliminate excessive stress on the spine and solution related problems
Operation results:
Beautiful, tightened perfect shape brest
Solving problems with posture and spine
The decision of psychological problems and complexes associated with the breast
The ability to afford wearing any beautiful lingerie and swimwear
- ptosis I-III degree
- brest shape loss after lactation
- problems with posture and spine
- gigantomastia
- diabetis
- oncology
- infections in avute stage
- coagulopathies
- severe somatic conditions
- smoking
2-3 weeks prior to surgery must pass tests prescribed by the doctor
ECG and chest X-ray
gynecological examination, with the planting of smears from the cavity of the vagina and cervix
cancellation of drugs affecting the blood clotting
Optional: immunogram, blood prolactin
plastic surgeon carries out the selection of implants, in the case of mastopexy with prosthesis
medical photography
General anesthesia
cutting on preoperative marking
Breast is given a new form
implant is inserted into the cavity
dermal suture
elastic and aseptic bandaging
Operation stages
Patint stays in hospital for 1-2 days
Postoperative edema lasts for 14 days
compression garment worn on therd day post op.
Wearing compression garment for 4-6 weeks
Physical restrictions for 1-1,5 month